We want to give Bible believing Christians new ways to spread the Gospel. We want to get the Word of God out there to folks who never pick up a Bible.
A decal on your laptop may provoke someone to flip through a Bible next time they are at the Dollar Tree.
Maybe a yard sign could give you an opportunity to talk to your neighbor about Jesus Christ and what He has done for you. Your Scripture t-shirt can be read by dozens of people each day. Now you can send them a message with eternal meaning!
But Why a Sign Company?
We have seen God’s hand preparing us for this venture. It all started when Heather’s Dad offered to give us a plotter. He even brought it to us! Then, it took a year to get it running and a few more months to get it running consistently. But, since then we have used it to make decals, yard signs and vehicle graphics, mostly for folks in our church. Then in January, Jamie got very sick. He was in the hospital for a week and a half. The doctors had no answers. It was rough. It changed our perspective on a lot of things. Thankfully, though he came home and, slowly, he recovered. It seems the Lord used it as a “reboot” for him and he feels better now that he has in a long time.
Still, we didn't want to forget those lessons we learned while Jamie was sick. It is the desire of both of our hearts to serve the Lord and find new and creative ways to get the word of God out. So, we prayed and asked the Lord to show us how we could serve Him. Sooner than we ever could have imagined, God began giving us green lights. And, by His grace we’ll keep going through the doors He opens! It seems a perfect fit to begin a small sign company. Heather grew up watching her dad and grandfather hand-letter signs. She worked in her dad’s sign shop as a teenager. We even worked there together for a year after Jamie got out of the military. He currently works at a real estate company as their graphic designer. And over the past seven years has taken college courses in all things computers. Jamie has even developed a bit of a wood-working hobby in a past few months.
What’s next?
We are so excited about the chance make a go at this! We have so many ideas we can’t wait to get out there for you all. We hope to have our blessing be a blessing to y’all!
So... be sure to let us know what you want! Email us a verse you’d like to see on a yard sign. Pin a graphic you think would make a good decal. If it is the Word of God, then we want to get it out there!